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Although we have only been about two weeks in beautiful Australia, there are quite a lot to tell. Visiting the Blue Mountains , the merits of Bondi , our impressions of the shrill city Sydney ... but first things first!
At first: Dubai ! Because it's something that needs her picture so everyone can imagine what's going on!
But luckily it went even further back the next day and arrived in Bangkok for eternal flight over Sydney . Our first impression: Wow!
The sights we had one day been scoured, the Harbour Bridge and the famous Oper. That's it in top spots, but that is not at all in this city. It's much more around the feelig, enjoy life and died! People are so incredibly friendly and helpful and everything goes very very easy off!
Our hotel is centrally located right on the bustling Darling Harbour, right on the border of Chinatown. But the Chinese are not only there, we have the feeling that more Asians live in Sydney than Aussies!
girls gave her a July's Bavarian flag and thus they
also believe that it is always there and really see any is that san mia Bayern, here's the proof:
In the first few days we explored the botanical garden with the most exotic plants from around the world and took the ferry to Manli , a beautiful Beachort in the area. Here was surfing invented and the people live here, really.
After we arrived safely and we also feel quite at home we moved to Bondi in the school residence, since the July so bisserl would like to be smarter;)
The hostel is nice, all conditions, there is the love Eric, our annoying, German Home side, who says thousands of rules and set up Michael to be happy the relaxed morning ...;) Luckily, July is the time in school and eager to learn.
Bondi Surf is the absolute mecca, unbelievable! You can see the sea out of sheer hard surfers, the coolness knows no bounds. of course, also because this country there is quite clearly see and be seen! For us two beach bums not a problem as we can with our luxury body's mirhalten good;)
had after two weeks we convince enough of the city and beach life and let us of the famous Blue Mountains . In the nice town of Katoomba, we had an incredibly relaxing accommodation with a lady who wanted to please everybody. On Saturday, we launched our first Walk in the bush. We wandered through the deep jungle and along steep rock walls, very impressive. We discovered lots of funny animals where we today do not even know what or who they were ... Among other things, we
saw a huge iguana, bright red crabs where we thought scorpions were behind us ago, parrots and cockatoos in quitschigen colors. A small snake was among them, not to mention the Bush Turkey!
The Wentworth Falls were the absolute highlight, as must her absolutely Photos:
wandered through Sunday we then lacked the depths of the mighty Grand Canyon and only Tarzan to the absolute jungle feeling completely to make. Everywhere the lush green palm tree could be seen and even there we discovered all sorts of critters!
The hikes were not required and without enough energy to join in one of the best Chilli Con Carne worldwide and a fresh glass of Australian white wine have been removed. \\
Our next entries will follow as soon as possible ...