After the fourth day today, may not eat at all the drink and when they want to relax the mood again. The last week really was a bit exhausting. In the Medical Center there was much to do. Many people with stomach problems, diabetics with blood sugar dysfunction, cardiovascular disorders .... many have a few pounds lost weight. It was partly a waiting period. Which of course usually so this is not so.
On Friday fortunately was the first day after Ramadan, and there was a big party. The cafeteria was decorated colorfully. Saw little while after Christmas and New Year from all but pleased. The atmosphere was relaxed and cheerful.
same time, there was the dive center for one year and had to be celebrated. We are then in the evening geschippert by ferry to the neighboring island and have been sitting in a small restaurant together. There was a buffet with different curry for a change :-)
A little small talk with various colleagues and their wives let the time pass quickly. Good to still last a couple of shots where we noticed that that was the big hit for the locals. Unbelievable what was being shot for photos.
It was a very nice evening, all of course without alcohol, because that is not allowed here.
was beautiful again, so many different countries were represented: Italy, France, New Zealand, Philippines, China, Holland, Latvia, Slovakia, India, Germany .... and of course the Maldives.
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