was before yesterday Timo's birthday. At 7:00, the alarm clock rang and we got a nice, luxurious breakfast in the restaurant guests to enjoy. Then we took the ferry to the neighboring island of Gan. There we have a Massage treatment indulgence. The local resort is old and was opened by the British, only has 3 stars and is really in need of renovation .... The spa is here under the Vilingilli staff a secret, because the massage is there good and affordable and it is not from the people we dealt with one would usually sit at lunch. So it did. One hour of good massage from two friendly Indian women and then treated with a refreshing coconut milk and peeling. It was great. As a gift, there was little Indian end points "Bindi", of course only for the lady.
Then we are driven by ferry back to Vilingilli and have the Water Sports Center from a trip taken with the fun-tubes. This is a small schlauchbootaehnliches thing that is pulled behind a speedboat. The trick is to hold on at the speed of it. That makes a lot of fun and a bit sore ..... Great gift!
were then handed over the presents in the Medical Center and sang a birthday song. Very amusing to hear, "Happy Birthday" at the same time with different accents. Nap we had earned it and even indulgence.
The evening began with a visit to Dr. Ali, one of three restaurants on the island. We can not go here otherwise, because it is only for guests, but because of the anniversary was an exception made. The food is very mixed, there is an Arab, a Chinese and an Indian map, plus several daily specials and vegetarian dishes. We opted for an Arab dinner and had mixed starters and main course chicken, Lammbaellchen and a pastry with lamb and feta cheese. The latter was on the inside and the outside covered savory with a hint of powdered sugar - very interesting! A nice change to eat in the canteen. Great wine, good service, friendly restaurant manager, the long out of his experience in various countries around the world said. Exciting! A brief downpour ended then the Lord's Supper in the open and we moved into the Personalbar and drank with the other members two or three beers. That was a nice finish. Then at 1:00 clock, we are satisfied then fell into bed and fell asleep with a blissful smile. The Sleep in on Monday to one at 11:00 clock as yet on how the dip in the pool to wake up. I think such a basic luxury we need in the future in Germany, after we have become so used to it.