Today is 17.8.10 and we are now all of 17 days here. If that were the main annual holiday we would have to tackle things again and everything would be over. That would be a pity, so slowly we are very relaxed and feel more comfortable here. Actually it is only now going on.
Time goes kinda slow maybe because everything is so new and unknown, and because we had so much to do and with so many different people have.
We continue to work diligently and six of seven days. To complete our free days we do nice things. We go diving, breakfast for guests pay at a restaurant, (you can have breakfast that is almost exclusively fish curry and this is not feasible for us), or we go to neighboring islands where many indigenous people live. There is little tourism and it is very quiet. The people there are very nice. You talk and walk a bit with some of the island.
The work here is more mixed lot. In the Medical Center but it is rather quiet. In the last week there was one, two things were a bit more complicated. An employee who is responsible here that guests did not drop the coconuts on the head during the deposition is cut neatly in the thumb. Unfortunately, the tendon concerned with.
Hmmm ... which had to be sewn in any case and above all so that he can move his thumb on. Happiness is with us and with the employee, as our colleague is a surgeon and hand surgeon, among others. We have everything together, and had everything we needed there. One has the impulse: "I look at the station and get XY ... .." is just not possible. Well, we had everything there. Then it started, of course, under sterile conditions and everything went well. Then still tinkering a little track and it was done.
Sorry, something so takes a while and the problem here is that we will soon long illness, his job is going on. Sometimes there is to do things that these people can do that with a constraint. Sometimes, but not ...
Then there is currently said a few people with bad or no better controlled diabetes. If you ask then, what pills they take, they do not know that (as in Germany). Actually, they know nothing about this disease let alone episodes or what it means for them and their daily lives. Since Ramadan fast at the moment and the Muslims with diabetes is of course inconvenient.
Today is the sixth day (we believe) of Ramadan and lasts for about 3 weeks. The mood shifts a bit. We estimate approximately 500 people fasting at about 350
This means that you from dawn eat until sunset nothing and drink nothing dürfen.Sie tell that during Ramadan, even more than usual should be careful to keep himself entirely free from sin, that is nothing reprehensible look confident, talk no evil, hear no evil, and nothing verabscheuungswuerdies do. Generally, they should deal more intensively during Lent with the rest of worship such as prayers or reading the Koran.
The benefit is to be a purification of the soul and strengthen the relationship with God and his fellow man. It is to bring self-control and concentration on essentials ... and much more.
Today is our second day off and we enjoy the weather and the rest. This afternoon, a little scuba diving or snorkeling, and this evening a little excursion to a neighboring island. It takes half an hour by boat.
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